Friday, November 29, 2024

I Give Thanks For My New Favorite Word: Expunge!

It was a special day yesterday. It was Thanksgiving. Yes, it was the day our Founding Fathers, those awesome dudes seen on all the dollar bills, gave thanks for arriving and surviving in the New World.

It was like when I rode the grey dog (Greyhound) from Cleveland and arrived in L.A. I celebrated my arrival and survival and that trip from hell with a late lunch of vending machine Twinkies and a Diet Pepsi. Good times. 

Good times and bad times, it's all about words.

Thanksgiving words like Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Coffee, Pumpkin Pie and I'm sad to say, in my case, Kaopectate.

This Thanksgiving I have a new word to add to all the holiday words. No, it's not Zelle. Well, maybe like Zelle, when I hear the word, I smile. The magic word is Expunge.

It's like Etch-a-Sketch for all your past mistakes, and God knows I've had my share. Waking up half-naked in that laundromat back in Cleveland. That arrest here in L.A. at the homeless encampment in Long Beach way back when. 

I was working as a background extra on Dexter and I showed up at the wrong work location. My GPS was on a coffee break for God's sake. I only realized I was at a real homeless encampment when I noticed there were no cameras or movie lights, like normal. God bless Central Casting. They still paid me and that included overtime. 

Expunge. Don't know where it came from but I'm glad it arrived. My court records seem to have been erased. Maybe it was a hiccup with those dudes in Sacramento. Maybe it was voted in a couple of weeks back on election day. I ain't asking. 

I feel like a new man now. My horizon is promising once again.  Things are looking up.

But, enough about me.

Happy Holidays!